The LED's on the keypads go round in circles and then show a t. No votes are collected on the test screen or on votes.
Check that the receiver is connected and the light on it is on.
Go to Add-ins > CLiKAPAD > Set up > Keypads. Your receiver should be showing on this screen and the background of the cell that says CLiKAPAD Base v3 should be white. If the background of the cell is red, the software cannot detect your receiver. Try a diffferent USB port and then click the Refresh button. If that doesn't work, try a different USB port.
If the software can detect the receiver and you have clicked the green Test button, but when you press buttons on the keypads you see the LED circle and then show a t, it's likely that the receiver has a different radio channel set to the keypads.
If the area show in the image below is blank, you need to switch on some hidden options.
Use Ctrl+Shift+C to reveal the extra settings. You will now see the configuration buttons. Click on Settings.
Click on the Circuit Config tab
Check the Radio Channel in the box on the right in the Current Config session. If that is NOT 75, type 75 and session 0 into the New Config section and then click Apply to Base.
Now close the above window and click on the Test button at the bottom left of the next screen.
If this has not resolved your issue, it's possible that your keypads are not on channel 75. Check the config of a couple of the keypads and then follow the above steps again to update to the channel displayed on your keypads.
See for more information about the configuration of the keypads.