What is the configuration of my keypads?

To check the settings of the keypad, you can use the * key. This will tell you the session number, keypad number and the radio channel of the keypad.


Hold down * and 0 on the keypad together for about a second and then let go of both buttons simultaneously. Be ready to watch the number flash up pretty quickly on the device. You will see something like this:

000 -0011-75

The above means session 0, keypad number 11 and channel number 75.

Another example is:


The above means session 0, keypad number 1255 and channel number 6.

Before making any changes, check a few of your keypads to ensure that the configuration is the same across the whole set. 

To check the session and channel of the receiver match your keypad and update it if not, see the related knowledge base article: https://knowledge.clikapad.com/why-cant-my-keypads-send-votes

To change the configuration of a single keypad, hold down the * keypad and type in the three digit session number and a two digit channel number. 

For example, to change the keypad to channel 75, hold down * on the keypad and whilst that is held down, press 00075. Then release the * key.