How do I export images of the heatmap and other graphs?

Matrix will automatically capture images of the graphs that are shown throughout the workshop. These can be exported to copy into your workshop report.

Within Matrix, go to File > Print Manager.

You can select specific items to include in your report. We recommend clicking Select All if you are unsure of which properties to include. 

Click OK. 

Use the tick boxes at the bottom of the window to select the graph types that you wish to include. 

Then click RTF Export. This will generate a document that can be viewed in Microsoft Word. The document will include all of the graphs shown in the preview screen. 

If you only want selected images to be exported, you can click on unwanted images and reject them using the Reject button near the bottom left of the window. 

Once you have generated the RTF, you can either add the rest of your report information to that document, or you can simply copy and paste the relevant information and images into your usual report format.