A quick note of things to remember to do ahead of your meeting/event/workshop
Before the day of your event 1. Install ppvote on the laptop(s) you will be using on the day. 2. Program your voting slides. Consider what screen resolution you will use on the day. It’s best to program your slides with your computer screen resolution is set the same as it will be for the live event so that the position of the graphs is correct. 3. Ensure your PowerPoint presentation slide numbering starts from 1. 4. Avoid using animations and slide transitions on your voting slides. If you do not have builds you can set the software to automatically launch a vote as soon as the voting slide is shown (default). To do this go to the CLiKAPAD menu and ensure the Auto Launch Vote option is ticked. If you are using animations, ensure that Auto Launch Vote is not ticked. You will need to press the ‘V’ key to launch the vote. 5. License the software (CLiKAPAD > About v5.x > Register). 6. Test all your keypads using the test facility in the ppvote software (CLiKAPAD > Setup > Keypads > Test). 7. Test your voting presentation using the keypads. |
On the day of your event 1. Setup your computer, projector and receiver (the higher the receiver the better). 2. Test with a few keypads at the corners of the room (to ensure full communication with the receiver). 3. Check your Windows font/text zooming level is set to 100% – anything higher than 100% can sometimes cause the graphs to appear too small or misaligned. Windows 7 Load the control panel and select ‘Appearance and Personalization to make text and other items larger and smaller'. Adjust this to 100% and click Apply (you may need to log off before the settings are applied). Windows 8/10/11 Load Display Settings by right-clicking on the desktop and choosing the Display Settings option. Adjust the slider for 'Change the size of text and fonts...' to be 100%. 4. Test your presentation and voting slides by viewing them on the main projector/screen. 5. Clear your test data (CLiKAPAD > Voting Results > Clear / Reset Data). |