Applying weightings to votes

Applying Weightings

In addition to allocating keypads to specific voters, it's possible to apply weightings to individual users.  By default each keypad is allowed a single vote and that vote has a value of 1.

From the Add-ins tab select CLiKAPAD > Setup > Participants/Keypad Names.


An Excel sheet will open. The first column contains the keypad numbers. The voter names can be typed or pasted into the second column. In the third column a weighting per voter can be applied.


An example use case could be where Sarah in row 2 is representing her team of 4 people. In column C you would need to change the weighting from 1 to 4. Then each team Sarah votes her vote will be counted as 4 votes, so she would still only need to press the button once on her keypad, the software would simply multiply her vote by the value given in her row in column C.

In the above example Sarah's vote would be multiplied by 4 for every question. It is also possible to apply weightings that vary for each question. Please contact if you need assistance with applying a varying weight per voter per question.